Monday 29 September 2008

William H. James House - 1941

William H. James House - 1941, originally uploaded by Bob_2006.

587 West King Edward Street, Vancouver, BC.

A cozy English Tudor cottage provided the model for this cute fairy-tale residence, one of three put up by builder Brenton T. Lea. (The others are at 3979 West 9th Avenue, Vancouver, and 885 Braeside Avenue, West Vancouver.) The undulating shingle roof convincingly imitates thatching. This portion of King Edward Avenue (25th Avenue) marks the transition from the historically affluent West Side to the more basic amenities of the East Side. To the west the roadway is divided (with boulevard trees and buried services) and picturesquely curves beyond Granville. To the east the roadway narrows and powerlines replace the publicly planted trees. The different landscapes reflect the respective aspirations and tax bills of the former municipalities of Point Grey and South Vancouver.

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