Saturday 9 June 2012


Planting a display of annuals and tender plants in a pot is an easy, relatively cheap way of creating an eye-catching display.

Garden tips for summer containers

1. In a wheelbarrow, mix one-part loam to one-part peat-free compost, adding a balanced, slow-release feed.

2. Place terracotta crocks at the bottom of your container, then shovel in the moisture, making sure you gently and regularly firm the soil.

"Cedar Square 12.5"" Raised Container Garden"

3. Position the plants on the soil before planting them. Plant the central plant before others.

4. Add the recommended amount of organic liquid seaweed extract to a full watering can to make the ideal feed for you container plants.

5. Water the leaves and roots generously, making sure the plants are properly soaked through.

6. Clean any scattered soil off the rim and around the sides of the pot. Arrange the leaves and steams as you see fit.

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