Friday 19 April 2013

Nasturtiums how to grow

Nasturtiums in the garden

Most of us can claim to have grown a nasturtium or two by about age six, as nasturtiums large seeds make them a favorite "day-care project" (along with beans and sunflowers), and because they germinate so quickly (in 10 to 14 days)- presumably before budding young horticulturists lose interest. But familiarity shouldn't breed contempt: These annuals have handsome, shield-shaped leaves and bear unique, helmethaped flowers in hot. vivid, carnival colors.

nasturtiums, nasturtium

Nasturtium flowers contain about 130 milligrams of vitamin C per lOO grams.

Nasturtiums belong to the genus Tropaeolam (meaning "trophy"), which comprises about 85 species that are
indigenous to the mountainous regions of Central and South America. Forms of our common garden nasturtium— T. majus, a South American native found from Colombia to Bolivia—have been grown and selected in the Americas and Europe for more than 350 years.

All of the nasturtium plant (except the root) is edible, and there's no doubt our ancestors looked upon nasturtiums primarily as food: The common name giving a nod to the unrelated genus Nasturtium, which
we recognize as watercress.

Nasturtiums how to grow

Nasturtiums how to grow

When growing your nasturtiums in containers, remember to use soilless potting mix or just plain peat moss that's been well-moistened; the least hint of nitrogen will produce leaves like lily pads, but not a single flower. Like morning glories, nasturtiums manufacture all the food they require through photosynthesis, so lay off the 20-20-20, and simply savor the flavor while enjoying the view!

  • Sow nasturtium seeds in situ outdoors in beds or containers one centimetre deep in a full-sun location, one week before your last frost date.
  • In beds and borders sow nasturtium seeds in nutrient-poor soil (amend rich soil with sand and peat moss).
  • Harvest young nasturtium leaves and flowers as soon as they're fully open.
Nasturtiums how to grow

Nasturtiums perfect partners

Grow nasturtiums together with other annuals and tender perennials that bloom in the same color palette and that will tolerate the same lean growing conditions, such as:

FIESTA GITANA' DWARF CALENDULA (Calendula officinalis Fiesta Gitana Group) 

ANNUAL CHOCOLATE COSMOS (Cosmos ctrosanguineus)

'YELLOW FLAME' GAZANIA (Gozonia 'Yellow Flame' [Big Kiss Series]) ANNUAL


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